Stormwater Management is located at the Maryville Municipal Building (Lower Level)
400 W Broadway Avenue | Maryville, TN 37801 | Phone: 865-273-3500
Business Hours | 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Closed 12:00 p.m. - 1 p.m. for lunch
Jana Brown, Stormwater Program Manager | 865-273-3512 | [email protected]
400 W Broadway Avenue | Maryville, TN 37801 | Phone: 865-273-3500
Business Hours | 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Closed 12:00 p.m. - 1 p.m. for lunch
Jana Brown, Stormwater Program Manager | 865-273-3512 | [email protected]
Stormwater Management Program: Education and Outreach Public Participation and Involvement Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Post Construction Stormwater Management Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Monitoring Program Annual Reports NEW! Stormwater Management Ordinances and Manual |
Construction Ordinance & Related Policies
Grading Permit, Plans & Paperwork
Priority Construction Activities
Construction Site Inspection and Enforcement
Construction Site Questions and Comments
NPDES Permit Section 4.2.4
The City set up its construction site stormwater control program and ordinance in 2003 under the small MS4 permit, based on authority from Title 19, Chapter 3 of the City’s Code of Ordinances. The City reviews erosion prevention and sediment control (EPSC) plans for construction projects disturbing one acre or more, or if the construction is part of a larger development plan, like a lot in a subdivision.
The City’s erosion prevention and sediment control requirements for construction sites closely follow the Tennessee Construction General Permit (TN-CGP) issued by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC). The grading permit process aligns with TN-CGP standards and focuses on water quality impacts.
Key parts of the City's construction site stormwater control program include:
The City’s erosion prevention and sediment control requirements for construction sites closely follow the Tennessee Construction General Permit (TN-CGP) issued by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC). The grading permit process aligns with TN-CGP standards and focuses on water quality impacts.
Key parts of the City's construction site stormwater control program include:
- Grading, Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance: This requires that best management practices (BMPs) for erosion prevention and sediment controls be designed, installed, maintained, and inspected in accordance with the TN-CGP, the Tennessee Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, and the City’s Grading & Construction Site Pollution Management Policies and Procedures Manual.
- Grading and Construction Site Pollution Management Policies and Procedures Manual provides details on the following:
- Roles and responsibilities for site plan review, permit issuance, inspections and enforcement
- Guidelines for erosion prevention and sediment control
- Policies that support the City’s regulatory authority
- Steps for grading permit approval information
- Procedures for construction site inspections and enforcement
- Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Plan and Sketch Plan Checklists
- Construction inspection report template.
NPDES Permit Section 4.2.4
The City’s erosion prevention and sediment control requirements closely follow those found in the TN-CGP administered by TDEC. The TN-CGP requires construction sites disturbing one acre or more to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to TDEC for approval. Once approved, TDEC issues a Notice of Coverage (NOC). Both the SWPPP and NOI must be submitted to the City before a grading permit for any land-disturbing activities will be issued. A common land disturbance activity is a construction project.
City staff reviewing EPSC plans are certified through the Tennessee Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Design Course, Level 2, or hold equivalent credentials (e.g. Tennessee Registered Engineer, Landscape Architect, or Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control). Key information, like site contacts and development size, required by TDEC’s small MS4 permit, is tracked in a City database.
Check out the City’s Information for Developers, Site Design Engineers & Contractors page for additional information on developing in the City.
City policies relevant to the grading permit approval process are listed below:
1. No grading permit will be issued until the TN-CGP Notice of Coverage (NOC), Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and Notice of Intent (NOI) are provided with the EPSC or Sketch Plan.
a. Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control (EPSC) plans are required for land-disturbing activities of one acre or more and must include all SWPPP components from the TN-CGP, plus any additional elements required by the City.
b. Sketch Plans are required for land disturbing activities between 0.10 and 1 acre. These may be required for lots within a larger plan of development.
2. All grading permit application requirements from the Grading, Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance and Grading and Construction Site Pollution Management Policies and Procedures Manual must be met before a permit is issued.
3. Plans must be fully approved before a permit is granted for any land-disturbing activities.
4. For new residential subdivisions, road and drainage plans must be approved before issuing a grading permit.
5. Submit EPSC/Sketch Plans, along with review fees, to the City’s Engineering and Public Works Department (EPW). The Director reviews for compliance.
6. Include the EPSC Plan Checklist with the application to verify all necessary components are included.
7. Attach the Sketch Plan Checklist, completed accurately, with the grading permit application.
8. All elements listed on the relevant checklist must be included in the plan, with non-applicable items marked “N/A” and justified. For example, stream buffers are not applicable on plans for land-disturbing activities that have no streams located on-site.
9. Incomplete plans will be returned to the applicant; only complete plans will be reviewed.
10. If a plan is insufficient, the applicant will receive a written notice of issues and must revise and resubmit
11. The Director will review complete plans for compliance within 10 business days of submission.
City staff reviewing EPSC plans are certified through the Tennessee Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Design Course, Level 2, or hold equivalent credentials (e.g. Tennessee Registered Engineer, Landscape Architect, or Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control). Key information, like site contacts and development size, required by TDEC’s small MS4 permit, is tracked in a City database.
Check out the City’s Information for Developers, Site Design Engineers & Contractors page for additional information on developing in the City.
City policies relevant to the grading permit approval process are listed below:
1. No grading permit will be issued until the TN-CGP Notice of Coverage (NOC), Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and Notice of Intent (NOI) are provided with the EPSC or Sketch Plan.
a. Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control (EPSC) plans are required for land-disturbing activities of one acre or more and must include all SWPPP components from the TN-CGP, plus any additional elements required by the City.
b. Sketch Plans are required for land disturbing activities between 0.10 and 1 acre. These may be required for lots within a larger plan of development.
2. All grading permit application requirements from the Grading, Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance and Grading and Construction Site Pollution Management Policies and Procedures Manual must be met before a permit is issued.
3. Plans must be fully approved before a permit is granted for any land-disturbing activities.
4. For new residential subdivisions, road and drainage plans must be approved before issuing a grading permit.
5. Submit EPSC/Sketch Plans, along with review fees, to the City’s Engineering and Public Works Department (EPW). The Director reviews for compliance.
6. Include the EPSC Plan Checklist with the application to verify all necessary components are included.
7. Attach the Sketch Plan Checklist, completed accurately, with the grading permit application.
8. All elements listed on the relevant checklist must be included in the plan, with non-applicable items marked “N/A” and justified. For example, stream buffers are not applicable on plans for land-disturbing activities that have no streams located on-site.
9. Incomplete plans will be returned to the applicant; only complete plans will be reviewed.
10. If a plan is insufficient, the applicant will receive a written notice of issues and must revise and resubmit
11. The Director will review complete plans for compliance within 10 business days of submission.
NPDES Permit Section 4.2.4
The City defines priority construction as land-disturbing activities of one acre or more that discharge into impaired (waters with unavailable parameters) or exceptional waters recognized by Tennessee, or smaller activities that pose higher risks of sediment or waste discharge, as determined by the Director of Engineering and Public Works. Priority sites must meet special EPSC/Sketch plan requirements. The City holds pre-construction meetings and inspects priority sites as required by the small MS4 permit.
Check out the City’s Information for Developers, Site Design Engineers, and Contractors page for additional information on developing in the City. You can also access TDEC’s information on impaired and exceptional waters at the links below:
Check out the City’s Information for Developers, Site Design Engineers, and Contractors page for additional information on developing in the City. You can also access TDEC’s information on impaired and exceptional waters at the links below:
NPDES Permit Section 4.2.4
Inspections, conducted by both site operators and City officials, ensure compliance with the EPSC/sketch plan, verify that BMPs effectively control erosion and pollutants, and confirm all BMPs are properly installed and maintained. The City inspects and documents construction site compliance following its Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Qualified personnel, which includes those who received Level 1 certification under the TN Fundamentals of Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control, conduct the inspections. For priority sites, the City holds pre-construction meetings with operators and inspects monthly. Non-priority sites have a 10% inspection rate once per reporting period. All inspections and related meetings are documented.
The Grading and Construction Site Pollution Management Policies and Procedures Manual and the ERP, guide inspectors in identifying noncompliance and enforcing penalties. The manual outlines stormwater inspection procedures and a range of enforcement actions, including notices of violation, fines up to $5,000 per day, and liability for cleanup costs. Inspections, conducted by both site operators and City officials, ensure compliance with the EPSC/sketch plan, verify that BMPs effectively control erosion and pollutants, and confirm all BMPs are properly installed and maintained.
The Grading and Construction Site Pollution Management Policies and Procedures Manual and the ERP, guide inspectors in identifying noncompliance and enforcing penalties. The manual outlines stormwater inspection procedures and a range of enforcement actions, including notices of violation, fines up to $5,000 per day, and liability for cleanup costs. Inspections, conducted by both site operators and City officials, ensure compliance with the EPSC/sketch plan, verify that BMPs effectively control erosion and pollutants, and confirm all BMPs are properly installed and maintained.
NPDES Permit Section 4.2.4
There are several ways you can find out what new development and redevelopment projects are going on within the City. The City welcomes public requests and comments through the various channels listed below:
- Calls to City offices
- Using links on City webpages to email City staff
- The following list of public meetings MAY discuss stormwater related issues. Check the link to see the date, time, and agenda for each meeting: