11 p.m. update: EPW updated that it has finally stopped snowing, but progress on the main roads has been slow. Crews will work until 1 a.m. concentrating on the main roads. After a short rest, they'll return at 5 a.m. to continue the effort.
7 p.m. update: Engineering & Public Works updated that main roads will continue to be treated and they will now begin working the remainder of the city's secondary roads through the evening. They anticipate they will be at it for at least 6 hours. They report the salt is working well with current temperatures.
3 p.m. Update: The phone lines for utility payments will close at 3 p.m. so that staff can get home safely. Public Works, Electric, and Water phone lines will remain open until 4 p.m. If you do not reach your intended department, and it is an emergency, please use the normal "after hours" numbers. www.maryvillegov.com/phone-numbers.html. Medical emergencies always call 911.
2 p.m. Update: Road conditions are rapidly worsening. City of Maryville employees in positions that are not critical to emergency and infrastructure response will be going home. Development Services phones will close at 2 p.m.
Due to the expected winter weather and safety concerns associated with travel and icy conditions, City of Maryville offices will close at 1:00 p.m., Friday, January 10.
Other than in-person transactions, all services will continue as normal, along with emergency weather response. Utility payments can be made online at maryvillegov.com or by phone at 865-273-3456 until further notice.
As you've heard before, if you don't have to travel, it's best to stay home. Responders will be grateful. Please be safe!