Stormwater Management is located at the Maryville Municipal Building (Lower Level)
400 W Broadway Avenue | Maryville, TN 37801 | Phone: 865-273-3500 Business Hours | 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Closed 12:00 p.m. - 1 p.m. for lunch Jana Brown, Stormwater Program Manager | 865-273-3512 | [email protected]
Employee Training
Operation & Maintenance Program
Questions & Comments
NPDES Permit Section 4.2.6
The City of Maryville provides annual training for City employees that handle materials that could pollute stormwater, such as lubricants, fuels, soil, salt, pesticides, fertilizers, trash, and equipment. This includes employees in the Grounds Maintenance, Streets Maintenance, Sanitation, Water and Sewer, Stormwater Management, Fleet Maintenance, and Electric departments.
Training videos are used to educate City staff on best practices in housekeeping, spill response, materials management, vehicle fueling and washing, and other activities. A preview of the videos is available at the links below.
New employees in these departments receive this pollution prevention training as part of their onboarding process.
Training videos are used to educate City staff on best practices in housekeeping, spill response, materials management, vehicle fueling and washing, and other activities. A preview of the videos is available at the links below.
New employees in these departments receive this pollution prevention training as part of their onboarding process.
NPDES Permit Section 4.2.6
The City’s Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Program outlines activities and procedures to keep stormwater drainage infrastructure well-maintained, helping reduce pollutants in stormwater discharge from the MS4 system. Key activities in the program address specific pollutants, as shown in the table below.
The program follows best management practices, including:
- Minimizing or preventing exposure of materials to precipitation
- Good housekeeping practices
- Preventative maintenance
- Spill prevention and response
- Erosion and sediment control
- Runoff management
- Maintenance of stormwater control measures
Facility plans have been created for the following locations, with inspections conducted at least once per year.
- Maryville Municipal Center
- Municipal Operations Center
- Municipal Parking Lot
- Recycling Center
- Wetlands Education Center
NPDES Permit Section 4.2.6
If you have any questions or comments about our pollution prevention and good housekeeping program, please feel free to contact us:
- Calls to City offices
- Using links on City webpages to email City staff
- You can also use the “Report Water Pollution, Ask a Question, or Comment on MS4 Program” link on this page.