City of Maryville
Frequently Asked Questions
Water and Sewer Department
1. How can I improve my water pressure?
Pressure/volume may be increased by replacing old galvanized pipe with pvc and increasing size of existing plumbing. (Suggested sizes: 1" service line from meter to house and 3/4" line inside house). 2. Can my pressure be adjusted at the meter? No. Water pressure can be decreased at your pressure regulator inside the house. 3. How is my sewer bill calculated? It is based on the amount of gallons of metered water used. (See our rate schedule.) |
4. Can I get a reduced rate on my water bill to fill up my swimming pool, because it is not going through the sewer system?
No. We have a maximum 10,000 gallon cap on sewer charges.
5. If I have to call someone out afterhours on on the weekends/holidays will there be a service charge?
If it is a sewer stop and it is on the customer's service line (from connection at main to house), there WILL be a service charge of $70.00. If customer calls after hours to have the water turned off at meter because of a leak on their service line, there WILL be a service charge.
6. What should I do if discolored water occurs?
To clear up occasional discolored water, you should let the "COLD" water run in the bathtub or outside spigot for 3 to 5 minutes. Should water not begin to clear in this time frame, please give us a call.
7. What pressure can I, the homeowner, adjust?
Each household should have a pressure regulator on your incoming water line. The regulator can decrease the pressure coming into your house, it cannot boost pressure. If you notice a drop in pressure you may want to have your plumber check the pressure regulator.
8. What should I do if I have a water leak?
No. We have a maximum 10,000 gallon cap on sewer charges.
5. If I have to call someone out afterhours on on the weekends/holidays will there be a service charge?
If it is a sewer stop and it is on the customer's service line (from connection at main to house), there WILL be a service charge of $70.00. If customer calls after hours to have the water turned off at meter because of a leak on their service line, there WILL be a service charge.
6. What should I do if discolored water occurs?
To clear up occasional discolored water, you should let the "COLD" water run in the bathtub or outside spigot for 3 to 5 minutes. Should water not begin to clear in this time frame, please give us a call.
7. What pressure can I, the homeowner, adjust?
Each household should have a pressure regulator on your incoming water line. The regulator can decrease the pressure coming into your house, it cannot boost pressure. If you notice a drop in pressure you may want to have your plumber check the pressure regulator.
8. What should I do if I have a water leak?
- If during normal business hours call 273-3300 and City of Maryville personnel will shut off your water. (If after normal business hours, there is a fee for this service - call early if you think you have a leak.)
- Call your plumber if it is in on your line.
- The City of Maryville repairs meter leaks and lines on the supply from meter to street side of the water meter.
- After any necessary repairs are completed on your service line, please call 273-3300 to have the water turned back on. If after normal business hours please call the water plant at 865-982-7990.
- The water meter is the property of the City of Maryville and should be operated by City of Maryville personnel only.