The City of Maryville Stormwater Division will close Lambert Lane from Tuckaleechee Pike to Larry Road this morning, November 27 starting at 8:30 a.m. through 10:30 a.m. The crews are back filling a storm drain.
Once again, the City is receiving reports of scam calls regarding electric payments.
Citizens should be advised that the City will never call a customer to pay their bill. The City will also never demand a payment prior to being cut off. The process for electricity service cut off is as follows: You will receive your normal bill via the United States Postal Service. If late, a late fee will be assessed, and a second "cut-off notice" will be mailed via USPS letting you know a cut-off date has been schedule. If the bill has not been paid by that date, service will be cut off. No one will ever call and demand payment. Customers who receive threatening calls demanding payment should report it immediately to customer service at 865-273-3456 or alert the police at their non-emergency dispatch number 983-3620. AT&T is beginning a project laying fiber optic cable within the following areas in the city of Maryville: Carpenters Grade Road Area, Montvale Road Area, South Court Street Area, Sevierville Road Area, 8th Street Area, and the Ivy Ridge Lane Area. Upon the completion of this project these locations will have access to a high speed internet connection.
To accomplish this project AT&T and sub-contractor Star Construction will have to bore underneath the roadway to lay the fiber. The boring process involves digging an entry pit along the side of the roadway so that the boring machine has access underneath the roadway as shown in the figure below. AT&T and Star Construction are responsible to fix any damage caused during the construction of this project, restoring the property as closely as possible back to its previous condition. If residents have any questions or concerns, the contact number provided by AT&T is 1-800-334-5741. A map of the project can be downloaded here: att_map.pdf A copy of the AT&T Fiber flyer can be downloaded here. The City has contracted with Whaley Construction, LLC to complete a sidewalk and stormwater improvement project on South Cedar Street from Ray Avenue to Mountain View Avenue. Crews will tentatively begin mobilizing equipment at the site location early next week.
South Cedar Street, which connects Maryville Junior High and Maryville High School, lacked sidewalks on both sides of the road in certain areas and some of the existing sidewalks were substandard. Additionally, the stormwater drainage system in the area was in need of repair. Engineering and Public Works’ street construction crews have recently been working on the section of South Cedar Street between Ray Avenue and Karrow Street to improve walkability and stormwater drainage, however the remaining unfinished sections had to be contracted out. The current project includes widened sidewalks, construction of two retaining walls, and new stormwater drainage. Once the project is complete, this and the already completed section of South Cedar from Karrow Street to Ray Avenue will be resurfaced. City Engineer Kevin Stoltenberg said, “This project has already improved walkability and drainage and has been received extremely well. While the next phase of the project will create some inconveniences, we believe residents and people who use the sidewalks will be very pleased with the end result.” For more information, please call the department of Engineering and Public Works (865) 273-3302. City of Maryville Stormwater crews will close Lambert Lane from Tuckaleechee Pike to Larry Road today from 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. to replace a catch basin. For more information, please call 273-3300.
City of Maryville stormwater crews will close one lane of Tuckaleechee Pike and all of Lambert Lane at Larry Road to replace a stormwater culvert. A detour to Chantilly Lane off Tuckaleechee will be required for westbound traffic. Lambert Lane will be detoured to Larry Road to Locha Poka Drive and then back to Tuckaleechee Pike. The work is expected to take two days, weather permitting, and will begin on Wednesday, November 7 during the hours of 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. For more information, please contact Engineering and Public Works at 273-3500.
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