For the months of April, May, and June, the lake will be stocked with channel catfish. The fish require a regular fishing license to catch. In order for more people to be able to enjoy this sport throughout the summer, anglers should only take what they need for dinner.
City Manager Greg McClain said, "We are thrilled to be able to partner with TWRA for a second fish species stocking program. We know many people in our community enjoy the sport - and that our families appreciate the opportunity to spend time together in the natural environment."
Over the past two years, TWRA has partnered with the city of Maryville with assistance from Little River Chapter of Trout Unlimited to bring trout fishing to Maryville's greenway. The program has provided an opportunity for our community to fish for trout in a convenient and safe location. Trout is stocked in the winter months when the temperatures are low enough for the species.
For more information, contact us at 865-273-3406.