City of Maryville Engineering and Public Works will close the greenway trail at Montvale Road on Thursday, June 17 to prepare for the bridge replacement coming soon. Trail users will be able to walk from Willow Drive to the bridge but will not be able to pass over the bridge. Trail users on the U.S. 321 side will not be able to access the trail from the bridge. Closed signs will be in place. Once installed, the bridge replacement program on the Montgomery Lane to Montvale Road section of the greenway will be complete. For more information, contact Engineering and Public Works at 865-273-3302.
City of Maryville contractor, Petree Arbor and Landscape Design will be doing tree work on a section of the greenway on Monday, September 28. The section of trail from Montvale Road to Cedar Street will be closed for the majority of the day. For more information, contact Engineering and Public Works at 273-3302.
City of Maryville Engineering and Public Works will oversee the installation of three new bridges on the Sandy Springs section of the Greenbelt on Wednesday, June 3. Sections of the greenway will be closed for part or all of the day. The closures will include from Montvale Road to Cedar Street and from Cedar to the softball fields near the Sandy Springs pavilion. The new bridges are the latest in the planned replacement project throughout the Greenbelt. For more information, contact Engineering and Public Works at 273-3302.
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) has added Maryville’s Greenbelt Lake/ Pistol Creek to its winter trout stocking program. Fish will be stocked in the Greenbelt Lake – near the Blount County Public Library. Additionally, trout will be stocked upstream to the Jack Green amphitheater area near U.S. 321. With the appropriate state-issued license, anglers will be able to fish from the banks of the lake and stream throughout this area.
Sally Petre, TWRA biologist explained that rainbow trout will be stocked three times over the winter months when water temperatures are ideal for the species. The first round will take place Friday, December 20. Four hundred fish will be stocked in the area in December. Additional stockings of 400 will be added in January and February. Petre said, “We are very excited about this partnership and being able to bring rainbow trout into the community for new and seasoned anglers.” Maryville City Council has been very interested in partnering with TWRA on the stocking program. City Council member Joe Swann said, “Fishing has always been part of my life and I hope many in our community are able to get out and fish with their kids and make some lasting memories.” Adding the greenbelt lake to the stocking program has been an ongoing effort for Little River Chapter Trout Unlimited. Members of the club will dedicate their volunteer efforts to their adopted area of the greenway where the fish will be stocked. “The greenway is such a beautiful public property and we are excited about this added attraction for the area,” said club president Ernie Frey. Club members picked up more than 100 pounds of litter last week in preparation for the stocking. “We want to ensure the area remains a beautiful, safe resource for its wildlife and the community,” said Frey. It is important to note that people who take advantage of this opportunity also need to take responsibility to clean up after themselves and not leave trash or hooks and lines behind. Fishing must occur from the banks since floating vessels are not allowed in the lake. A state fishing license with a trout stamp is required for any person age 13 or older. There are many types of fishing licenses available – and can be obtained at sporting goods stores or on the TWRA website. Petre also explained, “You can also buy your license on the ‘TWRA on the go’ app which provides a convenient way to get a license on demand.” Limits on daily catch and other information is available through the TWRA website or by phone at 615-781-6500. Councilman Swann also offered some advice on how to catch the “beautiful, tasty fish known to be fierce fighters.” He explained, “Stocked trout are proven to like small spinners, corn or worms on a standard spinning rod. If a fly rod is your preferred tool, dry flies are best used on warmer days when insects are active.” For licensing and other TWRA information, visit the website or phone 615-781-6500. For information about Trout Unlimited visit For city of Maryville Engineering and Public Works contact 273-3302. City of Maryville Engineering and Public Works crews will be working with contractors to install the new bridges at Sandy Springs Park and at Parkside Drive/ Cardinal Street. The work is expected to take 4 hours at each location.
Beginning around 8:30 a.m., Parkside Drive/ Cardinal Street will be closed to through traffic from Best Street to Belleville Avenue. During the installation on the Sandy Springs bridge, portions of the trail may be closed. All work is expected to be finished Tuesday. For more information, contact Engineering and Public Works at 273-3302.
Update: Thursday, June 27 Seal coating is underway today on the Pearson Springs walkway to Montgomery Lane stretch of the greenway. The trail should reopen Friday, June 28 Update: Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Due to weather delays, the second section (Pearson Springs pavilion walkway to Montgomery Lane is scheduled to be seal coated on Friday, June 21. The first section (walkway to Best Street) is completed. Update: Thursday, June 13, 2019 Greenway seal coating, originally scheduled for this past Monday and Tuesday, has been rescheduled (due to weather) for Friday, June 14. The work will require closing the trail. The first section to be seal coated is from Best Street to Pearson Springs at the restrooms walkway. This section will close at 8 a.m. Friday and should be reopened Saturday. The second section will be closed from Pearson Springs to Montgomery Lane on Monday, June 17, weather permitting. Previously: June 4, 2019
Contractors for the City will close a section of the greenway to seal coat the walking trail beginning Monday, June 10 weather permitting. The first section – from the Pearson Springs parking lot to the Montgomery Lane side of the greenway – will close on June 10 and reopen June 11. The second section – from the Pearson Springs Restrooms and parking lot side of the trail down to Best Street – will close when the first section is complete. Both sections should reopen by June 12 if the weather is good. For more information, please contact the City of Maryville Public Works Department at (865) 273–3302. The City’s ongoing streambank stabilization project along the Greenway trail will resume the week of January 7 and is expected to continue for up to four weeks.
The repair work will span approximately 500 feet from the parking lot at Pearson Springs pavilion to the footbridge on the section of trail leading to Montgomery Lane. There will be fencing along the streambank, and construction equipment will be staged in a small section of the parking lot. While brief closures and restricted access may be required during the process, the greenway will remain open through this area during the project. Stormwater Program Manager Dale Jayne said, “This final section of the project will complete the 2,200 feet section of the streambank along the greenway that began in 2017. It will fortify the land surrounding the creek and help keep sediment out of the creek, improving the aquatic environment. This will provide stability to the bank and ensure the greenway in this section is open to enjoy for many years to come.” D.R. Phillips Contracting will perform the work under the supervision of Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc., the designer and engineer for this project. For information on the streambank stabilization project, Stormwater Program Manager Dale Jayne at 273-3512. City of Maryville contractors will install a new bridge on the greenbelt trail near Montgomery Lane and Pearson Springs soccer fields beginning at 9 a.m. on Friday, December 7. The new bridge installation is expected to take less than a day and will require the temporary closure of a portion of the trail.
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