Blount County, Tennessee - The governments of Blount County, the cities of Maryville, Alcoa, Friendsville and Townsend, and the towns of Rockford and Louisville support and expect compliance with the Governor’s Executive Order issued March 22.
All the leadership of our governments implore our community to stay home, away from crowds, and follow the guidelines of the CDC. We are all responsible to take these actions as citizens, neighbors and friends.
Summary of the Governor’s Executive Order 17
No social gatherings of 10 or more people as well as the following provisions regarding restaurants, bars, and similar food and drink establishments:
- Establishments are to exclusively offer drive-thru, take-out or delivery options to support families, businesses and the food supply chain during this emergency.
- Establishments may sell alcohol by take-out or delivery (with the purchase of food) in closed containers to those who are age 21 and up.
- Gyms and fitness/exercise centers or substantially similar facilities are to temporarily close and suspend in-person services until April 6, 2020. In the interim, these businesses are encouraged to pursue digital programming if possible.
The order also pursues additional measures to keep vulnerable populations such as the elderly and those with underlying conditions safe.
- Visitation to nursing homes, retirement homes, and long-term care or assisted-living facilities is now limited to visits involving essential care only.
- Businesses are encouraged to enact policies that take extra steps to assist vulnerable populations by considering measures such as shopping hours exclusive from the general public.
The order additionally states that, “Persons and businesses should take particular care to protect the well-being of those populations especially vulnerable to COVID-19, including older adults and persons with compromised immune systems or serious chronic medical conditions, by, among other things, taking care to adhere to all precautions advised by the President and the CDC and refraining to the extent practicable from physical contact and association. Businesses should further consider implementing measures to protect our most vulnerable populations by, for example offering delivery service or special opportunities for members of vulnerable populations to shop in retail establishments exclusive of the general population.”
Local government officials and leaders are strongly advising all residents to stay inside their homes and immediately limit all movement outside of their homes beyond what is absolutely necessary to take care of essential needs. By taking aggressive actions now, we can help limit the effect and duration of the spread of this virus.
In a previous statement, Robert Schmidt with the Blount County Health Department stated, “The most important thing to remember is that this effort will only be effective if every individual in our community does their part. We cannot impede the spread of this disease effectively without each person’s assistance. Individuals should practice everyday prevention measures, which are the best methods to control the spread of the disease.”
To keep our community informed, this site has been established for the public to find contact information for local governments, schools and public facilities. News and information will also be distributed through our local media outlets.