Before the lot can be resurfaced, crews must remove old caulk, blast the surface and replace the caulk. Blasting will smooth the surface and remove residue in order for the new sealant to adhere properly. Once the blasting is complete, a thick epoxy primer will be applied to the surface. This part of the process will take approximately three weeks.
Once the epoxy primer has cured, a traffic-rated coating will be applied followed by striping and signing. This part of the process will take up to five weeks, but is highly weather dependent. The priming and sealing products require a consistent temperature of at least 50 degrees to cure properly and dry weather during the application process.
“We regret that the lot will need to be closed for an extended time, but we are glad to see it nearing completion. The end result will be a structurally sound, long term asset to our downtown,” said City Manager Greg McClain.
Work began on the two municipal garages June 25, 2018. The Harper Avenue garage repair and improvements project was mostly completed in September 2018. The Broadway Garage work began on July 5. According to contractor Joseph Construction, weather has impacted 71 working days.
For more information, contact the city of Maryville at 273-3500.