The City’s wastewater treatment plant uses a state-of-the-art biosolids conversion process and mixes the resulting material with woodchips from the City’s electric utility tree-trimming waste. The material is aerated with a windrow turner and results in a rich, soil-like compost that can be used as a soil amendment. The process diverts up to 73,000 cubic yards of material from the landfill annually.
Maryville Utility Director Baron Swafford explained, “This product is an excellent amendment to improve soil nutrients. It meets all state and federal regulations and is classified as ‘class A, exceptional quality’ by the Environmental Protection Agency.”
Over the past several years, the product has become a highly desirable amendment to soils of backyard gardeners, landscapers, and even those looking to improve their grass growth.
Individuals may pick up compost on Saturday, April 2 or on Wednesdays from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Maryville Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant – 4541 Wheeler Road, Louisville, Tennessee 37777. Any type of vehicle is allowed – from dump trucks to containers in trunks.
For more information, contact Maryville Water and Sewer at (865) 273-3300.