Update - 5:55 a.m. 30 minute blackouts have resumed -
*We are working to get you the schedule / please forgive variations.
Schedule is updated as of 6:41 outage map
~ 5:55 a.m. Old Niles Ferry to City / Oxford Hills area
* changed 6:25 to 411 to City, Royal Oaks.
~ 6:25 a.m. 411 to County, Old Niles Ferry to County, Bert Garner, Mint Road, Westmoreland
** Schedule will halt until the 5:55 - 6:25 feeder is restored.
~ 7:00 a.m. Old Knoxville Hwy, Roddy Branch area, Morganton Road from William Blount to city
update at 7:00 a.m. **Old Knoxville Hwy, Roddy Branch area will not be affected in this cycle
~ 7:30 a.m. Howard Jones Road, Montvale Station, Wimbledon area
~8:00 a.m. Wilkinson Pike, Windsor Park area, East Broadway to County, Wildwood Road
~8:30 a.m. East Lamar Alexander (321) to County, East Broadway to City, East Harper
~9:00 a.m. Morganton Road from William Blount Dr. to County, E. Lamar Alexander to City, Merritt, Amerine Rd.
~9:30 a.m. Rockford / Co-op
From Friday 12/23
9:53 p.m. We received official notification there will be no blackouts tonight. Crews have been asked to be ready / on standby at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow. We will notify as we have information.
6:30 update
City of Maryville electric has been put on notice there is a high possibility that the rolling blackout will need to resume at 7 p.m. tonight due to extreme demand and in order to protect the power transmission system. If this occurs, the following schedule will be followed for 30-minute increments:
approximately 7 p.m. Old Niles Ferry / Oxford Hills area
approximately 7:30 p.m. 411 to County, Old Niles Ferry to County, Bert Garner, Mint Road, Westmoreland
approximately 8:00 p.m. Old Knoxville Hwy, Roddy Branch area, Morganton Road from William Blount to city
approximately 8:30 p.m. Howard Jones Road, Montvale Station, Wimbledon area
if required, we will start over with the areas we started with earlier today in order.
These times are scenario times based on a potential 7 p.m. start. We will continue to post as we have information.
Original post: